
Tesla “Purple Plates” Accelerate Healing, Cleanse Food & Accelerate Plant Growth

Much Talk About Raising One’s Vibration These Days – Well These Purple Plates Derived from Tesla Raise Vibration to 100,000 Cycles Per Second and Is Associated with Accelerated Healing, Accelerated Plant Growth, Charges Your Water, Neutralizes Toxins in Your Foods, Charges Your Energies… See More Info Below

Our Action Plans: 

  • Looking to test these plates.
  • Looking to study color therapy.  
  • Looking to study gems and healing.
  • Looking to research more into how these purple plates work.
  • Plates designed from Tesla’s notebooks.
  • Looking to cross study charged water under pyramid structures that have many documented miraculous healings associated with it:  especially studied in Russia.
  • In video: mention of Ganges River in India water used for healing; discovered that this water was charged from cosmic energies from the mountains. 
  • Purple Plates can charge a person by infusing them with the high vibrations of the Violet energy by putting a persons photography face down on the plate.  But 15 to 30 minutes max or the purple plate charges a person too much and they start having anxiety.  Now that’s an interesting test to do!  It is done on negative people or people in a bad mood. 
  • Purple plates are energy based on frequency.   Too much of a use can start pushing the energy of a thing too far thereby causing problems or even neutralizing a good thing.  Example was given in video of:  Purple plates make cheap wine taste like expensive wine.  But used on good, expensive wine, makes taste like vinegar. Or if used on good vodka, vodka turns to water.  If used under pillow:  insomnia.   But charging water for 15 to 30 minutes, then more energy. 

From  https://purpleplates.com/pages/how-purple-plates-work 


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