A Healthy, Strong & Even Powerful Back is a Must Have in Modern Times – Start Getting Your Power Back Today!

Brilliant, New  High Efficiency Ways to Recover from Back Injury, Back Freezes and Even Muscle Knots.  Lean How to Make Your Back Powerful to Withstand the Vicissitudes of Life or… Excessive Computer Desk Sitting!

  • Genius methods combining multiple physiological & mechanical factors at once to resolve back matters. 
  • Tap secrets I found through bodybuilding 
  • Ultra empowering back fix and empowering solutions for life.  Extremely valuable to know.  See the various courses, books and or audio book versions below.


Other MAGNA BACK Solutions in the Cue

  1. MAGNABACK UnFreeze System – My 1st Back System for Stopping Getting Back Freezes.  I used to get back freezes on a regular basis.  Then I back engineered the process, the reasons the triggers of what causes back freezes.  And this is very interesting to learn.  Now be able to have a logical, above logical method for counteracting back freezes so you can get back to whatever  you were doing.
  2. MAGNABACK Back Freeze Prevention System.  Now that we’ve learned how to quickly counteract a back freeze, it’s time to learn how to prevent back freezes.  Back freezes are a symptom of weakness and poor symmetry in the body.  Weaknesses in symmetry in the body make you more vulnerable to severe injuries.  I’ve read many stories about how experienced or professional bodybuilders and heavy duty weight lifters were able to walk out of car wrecks relatively unscathed or with minor injuries while others were not so fortunate. There are logical reasons to why that was so such as muscle strength, extra muscle barriers, connective tissue strength, but also muscle balancing strength, professional bodybuilders have to be very keen on muscle appearance balancing which tends to lead to muscle strength balancing.  These are important things to know and understand. But what is even more important than that is to turn such balancing into a habit so your back and the rest of the body can better endure the more rugged times in life.
  5. Muscle Knots Eradication Method 1  Discover why muscle knots develop. Learn how to counteract what causes muscle knot formation.  Learn how to release current muscle knots
  6. HumanCORE – Easy new method in core stretching, strengthening and balancing method and system. 
  7. Spine Correction, Strengthening and Protection System
  8. The HWCA Concept “Heavy Weights Cures All” Concept and how to do it in a better way than what you may have seen and experienced. 
  9. Stretching Method and System 1
  10. Stretching Method and System 2
  11. Magnet Method & System
  12. ix8 Body Only Workout Method and system
  13. The FeelGood Bodyweight Method and System
  14. The GOOEY Method and System with Just Your Body
  15. The Full Flex Method and System with Just Your Body
  16. The OSMK Method and System with Just Your Body
  17. The Back Supplement Protocol – This Supplement Protocol was Very Helpful and Needed.  It was able to help counteract back and spinal aches  that came from a combination of my gym workouts and sitting in front a computer.

More MAGNA BACK Solutions in the Cure

  • Chains, desks, monitor solutions
  • SHUGGA Based strengthening rebalancing postural correction workouts. 
  • SHAKKERS Based strengthening rebalancing postural correction workouts.
  • Complete Stretching Systems for Daily Use to Benefit the Back also While Including the Whole Body
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